Gender and power struggle in community fisheries in Cambodia

The chapter analyses how female leaders create a space for themselves in community fisheries (CFs) in Cambodia. It compares the trajectory of two coastal community fisheries in their struggle to protect their resources. In the early 2010s, the community fisheries used to focus on fish resources and their protection. Men took the lead in the struggles because they were the main fishers. However, with decreases in fish resources and increases in the importance of coastal land, the conflict over access to resources has shifted to coastal land, where women glean aquatic resources. The shift has put women at the forefront of the fisheries’ struggles.

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Kusakabe, K., P. Sereyvath, L. Doeurn, and Y. Sivon

Publication Date

8 June 2020

Publication Name

Fisherfolk in Cambodia, India and Sri Lanka


Area Studies, Environment and Sustainability