Assessing long-term changes in annual monsoon inundations in the Mekong Delta (Cambodia): Testing an innovative approach linking remote sensing and in-situ measurements to overcome data scarcity

The Mekong’s hydrological regime has been impacted by shifts in land cover, the construction of hydropower infrastructure, and climate change. Yet the effects of these changes on the spatio-temporal patterns of inundations in the Mekong Delta remain largely unstudied, especially at local scales.

To cope with this data-scarce environment, the authors propose an innovative methodology harnessing recent satellite missions and long-term in-situ river water level measurements. This approach uses remote sensing data from the Sentinel-1 and 2 missions operated by the European Space Agency. Since 2017, these satellites provide optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data at a spatial resolution of 10 m and a return frequency of 5-6 days. Furthermore, SAR provides data independent of cloud cover, which makes it particularly well-suited for operational flood monitoring purposes. After deriving inundation maps from available Sentinel images, they link these maps to water levels measured at a local hydrological station through a correlative approach to create a water-level flood link (WAFL). Using this link, we can describe the evolution of inundation patterns in the Mekong Delta since the 1990s. To quantify uncertainties, comparisons with historical inundation maps derived from available Landsat images,  and with a high- resolution DEM were carried out.

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Orieschnig, C., G. Belaud, J.-P. Venot, and S. Massuel

Publication Date

23–27 May 2022

Publication Name

EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria


Monsoon, floodplains, remote sensing