Mekong diversion under way in Thailand

The Phnom Penh Post

The Thai government’s planned diversion of billions of cubic metres of water from the Mekong River, described last week by a Thai Ministry of Water Resources representative as being as far as two years away, has already begun.

The pumping, which is pulling water from the Mekong and its tributaries into northern Thailand’s Huay Laung basin, began several days ago, according to Thai Royal Irrigation Department spokesman Thanar Suwattana.

While the move appears to be in possible defiance of international agreements, Suwattana insisted yesterday that, “This small amount will not make any impact on the water level.”

Depending on their scope and season, diversion projects need consultation or approval from other Mekong River Commission members, under MRC guidelines. But while Thai officials vowed to follow the guidelines, the MRC yesterday denied having received word.

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